As your Mental Fitness Coach and Thinking Partner, we start by building a meaningful relationship the old-fashioned way. This isn't a quick fix; it's a journey. We'll uncover your unique gifts and passions, guiding you towards your goals while boosting your self-command and mental resilience.
Grounded in compassion, understanding, and gratitude, I believe anyone can achieve their dreams. When we work together, you'll feel welcomed, heard, inspired, and challenged every step of the way towards the incredible future that awaits you.
I draw from sources such as Neuroscience, Performance Science, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Science, Metaphysics, and Ontology to cultivate your experience. While science and data are invaluable, sometimes it's the simplest question that sparks the greatest insight. Whether it's a powerful reframed question, gut intuition, or Socratic questioning, we'll explore, empathize, navigate, innovate, and activate together.
You can count on me to tell you what you may not want to hear, and I'll recognize when you need a coach, advisor, mentor, or cheerleader. When you create a profound vision, mission, and purpose for your life, the high performer in you won't need accountability. You'll need a Mental Fitness Coach and Thinking Partner who has earned your trust.
Let's embark on this journey together with you as the star – think of me as your trusted guide, like a wise old friend who’s seen it all and still thinks you’re absolutely fabulous!
Welcome to a birds eye view of my glorious missteps, near misses, high performance, learnings, successes and unforeseen situations to stick handle through. Think of it as a series of high-wire acts where I managed to stay on the wire (most of the time) and even pull off a few flips!
Building the mental muscles to accept or convert everything into a gift or opportunity has been crucial for my perseverance, resilience, and overall energy. All of which as lead me to my version of what success and happiness looks like. (and sometimes it lead me just back up to the batters box for another swing).
I have been through a business failure, my parents divorce, my own divorce, struggled financially, been fired, lost a close family member to a tragic death, moved over 15 times, been through a ton of personal and professional transitions, self-sabotaged like the best of them and been through quite a few more significant situations....I've felt lonely, lost and stuck.
The first time I sought help outside of my community of family and friends was with a talk therapist about 30 years ago. Over the past eight plus years, I've been deeply intentional about digging into my body, mind and soul in a way I hadn't before. I now live in a continual attitude of gratitude and realize everything I’ve gone through was not only meant to happen, but was actually critical for me to become who I am. ​
I know what it's like to get off track, what it takes to get back on track, what is takes to create profound change and sustainable transformation.
My internal operating system is rooted in integrity, authenticity, cause in the matter, curiosity and courage. What does that mean? I say it, declare it, promise it, do it, and restore it. I lead with my inauthenticities and there's no bullshit. I take extreme ownership and there's no drama. I give a shit about others, situations and things. I have the guts and the grit to act in the presence of fear.
I bring a unique perspective as I draw from my own journey, experiences and modalities discovered along the way that enable me to be fluid with you and serve you powerfully. I am so very grateful for the variety of my personal and professional coaching experiences thus far that kicked off 32 years ago in team sports and how this helps me in service of others.
Being deeply committed to you and what I need to be for you, I'm all in without judgement, If you are all in for yourself, so I can help you create an incredible future to live into!​

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


If you're starting to crack yourself open like a rookie at their first practice and are curious to learn from shared experiences and perspectives, my group coaching packages and programs might just be your dream team.
As someone who's been in many of these team environments and experienced the magic of team dynamics, I can vouch for the powerful impact it can have both personally and professionally. So, let's lace up those sneakers and get ready to score big together!

I'm thrilled to offer you 1:1 packages and programs that are like having your own personal cheerleader, coach, and life strategist all rolled into one. With personalized attention and deep conversations, we'll unlock your full potential faster than you can say 'self-improvement.
Think of it as creating a roadmap to the life you want, both personally and professionally, with me riding shotgun. Trust me, investing in yourself through a 1:1 container is like finding the secret level in a video game – transformative and totally worth it!